The presence of acetaldehyde (AA) in PET packaging is a critical parameter affecting the taste of water.
The SenzAA™ additives can reduce the levels of acetaldehyde in PET preforms by more than 75%.
SenzAA™ additives (AA) are available both in liquid form and in granules.
Additional Information
Can reduce AA by more than 75%, at the recommended loading levels
Preserve natural taste of water
No black specks, no plate-out, no sublimation
Suitable for bottle to bottle recycling
Meet EU food contact regulations
Suitable for standard liquid dosing units
Can be blended with REPI liquid colours
Shelf life: 3 months, in sealed containers for the liquid version; 1 year for the solid masterbatch version
Standard package: 25 and 50 kg drums. Customized solutions available on request
Preserve natural taste of water
No black specks, no plate-out, no sublimation
Suitable for bottle to bottle recycling
Meet EU food contact regulations
Suitable for standard liquid dosing units
Can be blended with REPI liquid colours
Shelf life: 3 months, in sealed containers for the liquid version; 1 year for the solid masterbatch version
Standard package: 25 and 50 kg drums. Customized solutions available on request