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x предотвращение старения и обесцвечивания rPET


To char or not to char


Plastics driven in circle

Все обзоры прессы


At K2022, Circularity and Functional Solutions for Plastics in the Spotlight

The major event for Plastics comes back after three turbulent years, that have seen major changes and evolution. The industry is experiencing a strong push,…

REPI appoints Dimitris Dounis as new Managing Director of REPI LLC

Gastonia, NC – October 17th, 2022   REPI, a leading manufacturer of performance additives and colours for polyurethanes and thermoplastics, announces the appointment of Mr.…

REPI ADDITIVES AT DRINKTEC 2022 – advanced solutions for r-PET

After 5 complex years, Drinktec exhibition opens its doors again in Munich. The event has always been for REPI a strategic meeting point with the…
