At K2022, Circularity and Functional Solutions for Plastics in the Spotlight
The major event for Plastics comes back after three turbulent years, that have seen major changes and evolution. The industry is experiencing a strong push, on the one hand, towards recycling and circularity and, on the other, towards advanced chemical solutions, able to provide safety and performance to many industrial applications.
REPI, as a leading supplier of liquid colour and additive technologies for polyurethanes and thermoplastic polymers has been focusing on functional additives that help improving performance and aesthetics in many applications.
In the polyurethane area, the range of self-extinguishing flame retardants under the brand antiFIAMMA® offer liquid blends of pure melamine dispersions along with different synergistic formulations of primary flame retardants that can be applied to flexible foams, as well to rigid foams for the automotive, the bedding and the building and construction industrial sectors.
SenzAA®, aldehydes scavengers offer a response to the growing demand for safety and stringent limits set by the automotive and the furniture industries.
Those new additive families join REPI’s portfolio of the established Anti-scorching, Bonding Enhancers for Flame Lamination, UV-Stabilisers and White Foam Stabilisers.
Within the thermoplastics area, developments are being presented for different polymers, ranging from Polycarbonate, to PMMA, to PVC, ABS and PET.
The well-established self-formulation liquid colour system based on single pigment baiscs, has been enhanced with the introduction of the Novosystem® self-development concept based on proprietary colour matching software and database, which allows for a fast development and production of the desired final colour shade, minimising time to market and improving raw material stock management.
Filling the missing tie
Looking at the second major trend mentioned above, “circularity”, REPI can take advantage from its unique technology based on liquid formulations, that can be considered, by definition, as environmentally sustainable: highly concentrated, room temperature production processes and high efficiency. The liquid technology enables very low dosages and perfect dispersion of both colours and additives, such as:
REFIT® recycling additives for PET and r-PET (Anti Yellow, Optical Brighteners and IV Enhancers)
StabiPlus®, a proactive aid to recycling, able to protect r-PET from aging and degradation, loop after loop. The growing rates of recycled PET worldwide are leading to a deterioration in the quality of the material available, putting especially the packaging industry under unprecedented pressure. StabiPlus® represents a valid aid widening the window for recycling and filling the missing tie of closing the loop.
At Group level, sustainability holds a key role, being one of the growth pillars for the future. A structured and all-round path is underway to make all companies more sustainable in the environmental, social and economic areas. The first sustainability report will be issued for 2022, following the GRI standards and taking inspiration from the 2030 sustainable goals set by the UN.
1973-2023: 50 years looking forward
REPI will turn 50 years in 2023, a long period of growth, challenges, team building and customer loyalty. At the K show, all customers, partners and suppliers that have been walking with REPI during these decades and that look forward to the future together will be warmly welcome to start celebrating this important milestone.
About REPI:
REPI Group is headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland and operates five manufacturing sites in Europe, North America and Asia, as well as commercial and technical support centres, offering solutions to a wide range of industries in the polyurethanes and thermoplastics applications all over the world. Cutting edge R&D and prototyping departments make REPI a valuable partner with whom developing innovative projects, sharing know-how and tuning added-value solutions.
Linkedin Page: Repi Group — https://www.linkedin.com/company/repi-group/mycompany/?viewAsMember=true
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